Tuesday 1 July 2014

Lego Cupcakes

Lego Cupcakes are so simple and look so fantastic!!!!!! I think white icing makes these cupcakes really look fantastic as it lets the lego on top be the feature.
Here some with coloured icing and cupcake toppers.
I think these would make a great idea at the end of a party as the kids could all get to keep a lego man on top and you could have all different typre of lego men characters. I also think the m & ms are a great idea.
Very simple but cute:
A simple cupcake wrapper makes these cupcakes look sooooo yummy
I especially love the little sign out the front of these cupcakes. And I also love the way the lego matches the patty pans.

Monsters Inc Cupcakes

My son hasn't even seen Monsters Inc but he loves looking at the pictures whenever he sees anything in a shop. So I think this will be next years craze for him:). These are some absolutely adorable cupcake ideas for a monsters inc birthday.
These are very cute: so simple too, just use a grass icing tip with mostly blue and a few purple bits and abra cadabra. Not sure what to use for the horns but just browse the lolly isle im sure there is something.
These are a cute idea with marshmallows:
That's one very furry cake. I love it!!
So cute:
Even just using the colour scheme alone once put with other decorations would look awesome.
Even these cakes are coloured on the inside too.
I like this idea but not sure dual layered cakes are in my skill set.

Dinosaur Cupcakes

Dinosaurs are my sons favourite thing at the moment, and I think next birthday I will do some dinosaur cupcakes. Here are my inspirations so far.

I think when it comes to dinosaurs the grass icing tip is likely to be called for.

My son loves Dinosaur Train I love these cupcakes but Im not really sure how to get the leaves not to droop. I know there is a leaf icing tip. I might have to do some experimenting as with some cupcake toppers like in the pic these would look fantastic although look pretty fiddly.

Another dinosaur train cake. I think I could modify this to use buttercream only and it would go well with the cupcakes above. I could use liquorice for the train tracks. The leaves are just done with the leaf and grass icing tips.
These are soo cute and very simple to decorate. Just Green frosted cupcakes arranged in a cute way :)
I think the egg in these is extra cute and the kids would get to keep the toy on top to take home. The grass needs to be a bit better piped so it sticks up.
 Or if you don't want to bother with the grass tip
I think the ones above would look even better with dinosaur patty pans or cupcake wrappers
Dinosaur confetti. I think I seen this in the supermarket somewhere, also gives me the idea to stick natural confectionary company dino lollies on top.
Or to keep it simple just use cupcake toppers. Still look spectacular with a lot less work.

Monday 30 June 2014

Peppa Pig Cupcakes

I think that Peppa Pig has taken over the world for kids :).

If you google Peppa pig cupcakes they are very complicated and require a lot of skill. I would highly recommend that if you are going to do Peppa Pig themed birthday then buy some cupcake wrappers and cupcake toppers. If you don't have the money, there are a multitude of printable Peppa cupcake wrappers and toppers that you just print off and wrap around your cupcakes. And the toppers you just attach to toothpicks and stick in the cakes.

This one below would look better with some coloured or pink(or blue if we are on team George) sprinkles to make them pop.

These toppers are good but if you are icing like above you might squash the top. Would be more suited to the rose style of icing where you start at the centre and work your way out.
Sets like this are available on ebay and would make your cupcakes look fantastic. My tip to you is to cook them in a different pan and add these over the top after. (Learnt that the hard way) Otherwise if you have any overflow while baking you will ruin your beautiful patty pans.
Even with no topper the cupcakes can look spectacular with some cute sprinkles and a cupcake wrapper.

Sesame Street Cupcakes

My son is obsessed with all things sesame street so when I did a sesame street themed birthday for him last year I spent a lot of time looking at cakes. They all seemed very difficult. These are the four best ideas I came across when I was researching his birthday.

These are the cupcakes I used as inspiration for the ones I ended up making him. There were kind of fiddly but looked fantastic for his first birthday.

The fur is simply made with a grass icing tip which you can purchase from a decorating store. Or I got mine from spotlight.

For the eyes I used mints. I was originally going to use white chocolate buds but I couldn't find them in the right size for my cakes but you might have more luck.

Elmos nose is an orange m and m, and the cookies in cookie monsters mouth are just half of a store bought mini chocolate chip cookie.

All the black featues (I think they are fondant in the pic) but I used a black decorating pen. Which you can find at a cake decorating store.

Cookie Monster Below is a similar idea but done with sprinkles rather than the grass tip, which would be a lot quicker to do. Ive also seen them done with shredded coconut and food colouring.
If you don't have the patience to do that sort of decorating go onto ebay and search for sesame street cake toppers. you can get these relatively cheap and then by using a 1M tip and some brightly coloured icing your cupcakes will turn out as cute as these below.
These are exactly the same as above but with some extra sprinkles added. So cute!

Basic cupcake tips

After doing a basic cupcake course I am obsessed with cupcakes!!! I didn't realise how easy it was to make great looking cupcakes. The key is decorators icing or thick buttercream icing. 

Yes you can use fondant to do really fancy things, but seriously does anyone actually like to eat fondant.

This blog will have fondant free, cupcake ideas for kids birthday parties. 

You can buy buttercream icing or decorators icing or google recipes they are all over the internet.

A 1M tip is the basic cupcake tip that is usually used for cupcakes and just swirl them on.


There is also a grass tip available which is used to use to make grass or fur.

The two techniques below are so very simple. The one on the left that piles up is just a matter off swirling the icing in from the outside in a spiral to the centre. The one on the right that looks like a rose is simply swirling a spiral from the centre to the outside! 

With these simple tips the cupcake world is at your fingertips.