Tuesday 1 July 2014

Dinosaur Cupcakes

Dinosaurs are my sons favourite thing at the moment, and I think next birthday I will do some dinosaur cupcakes. Here are my inspirations so far.

I think when it comes to dinosaurs the grass icing tip is likely to be called for.

My son loves Dinosaur Train I love these cupcakes but Im not really sure how to get the leaves not to droop. I know there is a leaf icing tip. I might have to do some experimenting as with some cupcake toppers like in the pic these would look fantastic although look pretty fiddly.

Another dinosaur train cake. I think I could modify this to use buttercream only and it would go well with the cupcakes above. I could use liquorice for the train tracks. The leaves are just done with the leaf and grass icing tips.
These are soo cute and very simple to decorate. Just Green frosted cupcakes arranged in a cute way :)
I think the egg in these is extra cute and the kids would get to keep the toy on top to take home. The grass needs to be a bit better piped so it sticks up.
 Or if you don't want to bother with the grass tip
I think the ones above would look even better with dinosaur patty pans or cupcake wrappers
Dinosaur confetti. I think I seen this in the supermarket somewhere, also gives me the idea to stick natural confectionary company dino lollies on top.
Or to keep it simple just use cupcake toppers. Still look spectacular with a lot less work.

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