Monday 30 June 2014

Basic cupcake tips

After doing a basic cupcake course I am obsessed with cupcakes!!! I didn't realise how easy it was to make great looking cupcakes. The key is decorators icing or thick buttercream icing. 

Yes you can use fondant to do really fancy things, but seriously does anyone actually like to eat fondant.

This blog will have fondant free, cupcake ideas for kids birthday parties. 

You can buy buttercream icing or decorators icing or google recipes they are all over the internet.

A 1M tip is the basic cupcake tip that is usually used for cupcakes and just swirl them on.


There is also a grass tip available which is used to use to make grass or fur.

The two techniques below are so very simple. The one on the left that piles up is just a matter off swirling the icing in from the outside in a spiral to the centre. The one on the right that looks like a rose is simply swirling a spiral from the centre to the outside! 

With these simple tips the cupcake world is at your fingertips.

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